ReStore Raid Yields Fire-logs Basket

The mouse will play while the cat is away....

While my husband was away at drill for the weekend I did a little shopping-therapy. 

I missed him. The kids missed him. 

Off to the ReStore we went! Ate up most of the morning and gave me plenty to work with when I got home. 

All this for $14! 

My favorite find was this basket for $1.50. YES! Your read that right, $1.50. Its missing one of the handles which doesn't bother me so much since I won't be using it to carry anything around. And its a simple fix. Rip off the other handle and replace each side with leather-strap loops or rope....


First it got a bath in the tub with some watered down white vinegar. Allowed it to dry completely.

Then, I picked up a can of Krylon Duel Primer and Paint in Leather Brown Gloss and sprayed generously all over. The spray paint was about $4 or $5 a Walmart. The kids were a little crazy at this point so I just threw stuff in the shopping cart and made a beeline for home. 

Now we have a basket to keep our fire-logs in.

Firewood Wanted

Looking forward to treasure hunting at the next ReStore Raid!
