DIY Hooded Towel

Garage Sale Gems: $3 (included another Hello Kitty Towel)

Zigzag stitch in sewing

The second lesson from Crazy Little Projects Learn to Sew Series is how to make a zig zag stitch. The project we were to practice it on was a hooded towel: Crazy Little Projects Hooded Towel Tutorial. Her hooded towels are adorable but I couldn't quite follow her method because the hand towel I wanted to use had a design smack-dab-in-the-middle. Her method involves folding the hand towel inwards...and this would have decapitated Hello Kitty.

While using the zig zag stitch from the lesson, I followed the Hooded Towel Tutorial from Making It Feel Like Home. Its simple, very basic, and didn't interfere with the Hello Kitty pic.

Another Hooded Towel Tutorial can be found at: Simple Bliss. From what I gathered from the photos,  it looks like her tutorial offers the most "finished" look for the hood.

Wrap Up:
Here are the 3 sites/tutorials in order from easiest to hardest (in my novice-seamstress' opinion): 

1. Making It Feel Like Home
2. Crazy Little Projects
3. Simple Bliss

With this success under my belt I'm ready to try another one...maybe an animal. :)


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