Reinforcing Sight Words with Easter Eggs

After last Easter I bought several egg dying kits for about 10 cents each (whoo-hoo 90% post-Holiday markdowns!).
My kids LOVE boiled eggs, so I make a large batch for easy snacks. Using the crayon in the package, I write different sight words on the eggs. Before they can eat an egg, they have to read the word.

***The eggs need to be cool before writing on them. Otherwise the wax melts a bit and can make reading the words difficult.***   (see picture below)
Other ideas:
letter name/sound
a math equation (addition, subtraction, multiplication, etc)

This is a great way to reinforce what your child is already learning.

A cheesier way to look at it is: A great way to feed their minds and their tummies. ;)

Happy Learning!


  1. If my kids were still little, I'd be using some of these fun Easter learning ideas you have. I just might have trouble doing Alg 2 this way. These are such great fun ideas.

    Shannon ~

    1. That's so funny! lol Yeah, I bet at that stage maybe only the Periodic Table symbols would work, but that doesn't seem as fun.

  2. Very cute idea!

    Emily @


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