I don't have a post on how to make these, but Linda over at Mixed Creations provides a wonderful tutorial with pictures and a shopping list.
He did receive a rather grouchy talk from me about not touching things that aren't his. I wasn't looking forward to hunting down another stick, cutting it, and then gluing it. BUT, then we went to the pumpkin patch. While picking out our pumpkins from the field I noticed several dried and cut pumpkin stems. Perfect! I snatched up a handful and then helped my kids load their pumpkins into the wagon. I was expecting a sigh from my husband as I dropped my pumpkin stems into the wagon but he was silent, not even a look of "what-is-she-bringing-home-now?" Guess we have come to the point in our relationship where he's accepted that fact that taking me out in public results in odd items coming home with us. Or maybe he was just glad that it wasn't a piece of furniture!
Shhhh, don't tell my five-year-old, but I did break the last stem off the third can. I tried some stems on for size before selecting these three beauties. I like the different colors, the varied thicknesses, and the wonky curve of the far right one. I applied a generous layer of hot glue and done.
Hopefully, my kiddo will heed my words and leave these pumpkins alone. I plan on using them again next fall. If not, we'll be back at the pumpkin patch where I can find an easy replacement.
I hope you and yours had a wonderful Thanksgiving!
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Pumpkin stems - what a great idea - finding some while out buying your pumpkins - I am going to try that next year.
Right? Can't get more authentic than that. :)